As we continue to navigate the Covid-19 health crisis, I thought it would be a great time to share some of the things I’m doing to boost me and my family's immune system.
- Cleaning – Honestly, a LOT of cleaning, vacuuming, disinfecting, etc. – spring cleaning has evolved to a whole new level!
- Vitamins – I’m taking my vitamins and making sure my whole family is as well, including extra vitamin D.
- Essential Oils – I’m using essential oils that boost the immune system and calm stress. I’m waking up in the middle of the night unless I take this Chinese formula herb - Gan Mai Da Zao Tang.
- Shoes – We’re now taking our shoes off as soon as we walk in the door and putting on “inside shoes” if we choose to or nothing at all. I’ve always thought this practice made sense, but I’m just now starting it.
- Diet – We’re eating protein, vegetables, and no sugar as best as we can. This virus has damp qualities (i.e., phlegm). And, while it’s usually best to avoid damp foods, now it’s even more critical to do so during this crisis. Damp foods to avoid:
- Alcohol is seen as “damp heat,” so avoid it or very much limit the use.
- Sugar
- Dairy
- Meditation – is another calming tool.
- Sweat (Working Out) – While gyms are closed, I love the online Peloton app. It has meditation, yoga, weights, treadmill workouts, etc. and they are very encouraging as the trainers are talking and guiding you during the exercises. Also, if you have an amethyst Biomat turn it all the way up to red, so you sweat (it boosts your immune system).
- Herbal Recipes – Did you miss my recent Facebook post? Check it out and learn about Food as Medicine, where I shared a Kitchen Spice Tea Recipe to help boost your immune system.
- Journaling - We’re all spending more time at home, and, hopefully, we’re able to slow down a little. I’m taking time to write down my emotions, clear my mind, and express gratitude, which helps me refocus on what’s most important in my life.
I hope you find this list helpful. If you’re doing an activity to help stay positive and build your immune system that I did not list here, please share in the comments. I would love to learn more about what other people practice and can add to my routine.

The coronavirus won’t be around forever, but you can help ensure that our local businesses survive. Thank you in advance for your support.